So, in total 4 consecutive holidays.
Well, think again.
Here's a long TO DO LIST
1 - CN Assignment (date of submission - 4th Nov, Wed)
2 - EM Assignment (date of submission - 6th Nov, Fri)
for Group 2 ->
3 - PS Lab - 1 Exp (date of submission - 4th Nov, Wed)
4 - IS Lab - 3 Exp (date of submission - 5th Nov, Thu)
5 - EM Lab - 3 Exp (date of submission - 5th Nov, Thu)
6 - mP Lab - 5 Exp (date of submission - 6th Nov, Fri)
Also, internal viva of all the subjects (PS, IS, EM, mP) will be held next week (of all the groups).
And be prepared for the seminar. All the BEST.
Enjoy! :)