Friday, October 30, 2009

It's a long Weekend, & here's a long "To Do List"

Saturday and Sunday are off (obviously) + Monday is a holiday (Gurupurab - Guru Nanak ji's b'day) + Tuesday is a holiday too (since "the PM is coming").
So, in total 4 consecutive holidays.

Well, think again.

Here's a long TO DO LIST
1 - CN Assignment (date of submission - 4th Nov, Wed)
2 - EM Assignment (date of submission - 6th Nov, Fri)

for Group 2 ->
3 - PS Lab - 1 Exp (date of submission - 4th Nov, Wed)
4 - IS Lab - 3 Exp (date of submission - 5th Nov, Thu)
5 - EM Lab - 3 Exp (date of submission - 5th Nov, Thu)
6 - mP Lab - 5 Exp (date of submission - 6th Nov, Fri)

Also, internal viva of all the subjects (PS, IS, EM, mP) will be held next week (of all the groups).

And be prepared for the seminar. All the BEST.

Enjoy! :)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

What's up for Monday?

After a long weekend (for students who weren't at the Conference), Monday is here with a lot of things lined up.

1) Since Nisha Tayal mam is on leave for this week, her lectures may be substituted by Deepak Sir. So, tomorrow morning may begin with EM at 9 am.

2) Since last lecture with Preetika Mam was not very smooth, tomorrow she may ask someone to come in front and explain ADCs. So better be prepared.

3) And, how can we forget, Computer Networks assignment is due for tommorow, which is very long and worth 5 marks. But, since the lecture is after the break, at 1 pm, you still have a chance.

4) Finally, we may get to see answer sheets of Power Systems of both 1st and 2nd sessionals tomorrow. All fingers crossed.

CN Assignment - Hand Written

Finally made the assignment. Sorry it is not available in pdf format since my Acrobat Adobe Reader has stopped responding. So, I am directly uploading the pics. Its a long assignment, with 14 pages, even after i've cut down so many things. If you haven't yet started, Good Luck!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Computer Networks - Assignment

Due date for the submission of the assignment is 26th October, i.e. the coming Monday. I haven't yet made the assignment, but i've collected some raw material, whose link is given below. This matter is from the book - "Computer Networks" by Andrew S. Tanenbaum.

CN Assignment:
1) Collision-free Protocol
2) Limited Contention Protocol
3) Wireless LAN Protocol

Lecture Notes - 20th Oct to 22nd Oct

Computer Networks (google docs) (scribd)
Electric Machinery (google docs) (scribd)
Instrumentation Systems (google docs)
MicroProcessor & Interfacing (google docs) (scribd)
Power Systems (google docs)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Lecture Notes for 19th Oct

College started at 11 a.m (officially) on account of "Bhaiya Dooj" today. IS Lecture at 11 a.m. didn't take place, no attendance also, instead mam distributed some 2nd sessional papers to students. Not many students had come today ( approx. half of the class was absent). Two lectures took place, from 1 to 2, whose download links are given here.

Power Systems (view) (download)
Computer Networks (view) (download)

At the end of CN lecture, 1st Sessional sheets were distributed.
An assignment of CN (worth 5 marks) has been given which is to be submitted by next Monday. It should be hand written and should include:
1) Collision free protocols
2) Limited contention protocols
3) Wireless protocols

mP Experiments 6,7,8,9

Experiment No. 6 - WAP to separate an 8-bit number into two digits.

Experiment No. 7 - WAP to combine two nibbles to form one byte number.

Experiment No. 8 - WAP to check even or odd parity of an 8-bit number.

Experiment No. 9 - WAP to multiply a number by 2, employing bit rotation.